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Exhibits & Events

Program Description

Learn a variety of copper etching techniques in this fun intaglio workshop and learn how to achieve a wide tonal range and detail in your images. Using a copper plate you will learn line etching with sugar lift and soft ground techniques. Learn how to use a press, proper ink application, and registration. Projects, collaboration, and experimentation will be encouraged along with developing innovative and unconventional tools for your mark making. You will get demonstrations and hands-on practice in: copper plate preparation, ground application, drawing, inking, and printing on a press. This workshop is suited for beginners, and also offers intermediate students an opportunity for a deeper exploration of the medium including soft ground etching and sugar lift techniques. Historical and contemporary artists will be introduced throughout the term. This class can be taken as a follow up to "Line and Aquatint" or taken for the first time! Register Here!



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Exhibition Documentation

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