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The Benefit
December 17, 2019

Baldwin Fine Art Services sponsors InLiquid Benefit 2020

About the Author
Erika Shevchek

See the exhibition here

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Art, in all of its stages, is a methodical process. From an artist’s studio to the walls of a gallery, from the framing to the inspection, from the initial idea to the first public presentation: art travels from person to person and place to place every step of the way. While the artists themselves typically have hold of the reigns with what happens to their art and how, much of the minute detail and credit goes to those who work between the artist and the final installation.
These liaisons in the art world must expertly handle art, manage safe packaging processes and transportation, understand temperature-controlled storage, prepare and execute installations, ensure proper art relocation and more. Luckily, Baldwin Fine Art & Residential Services (Baldwin FA&R) serves as a superior liaison and is the vital gear that puts art in motion.
InLiquid is proud to announce that Baldwin will be providing in-kind sponsorship for the upcoming Benefit 2020 in January. In both the InLiquid Gallery and The Icebox at Crane Arts, Baldwin will be installing the artwork for the silent auction. They will also be providing art delivery and installation services for the benefit auction winners on the day of the pick-up party. From Wyndmore, PA, Baldwin provides their talented services to the Southeastern Pennsylvania region and beyond.
Founded in 2016, Baldwin FA&R noticed there was “the need for more high-quality Fine Art Services in the local community,” said Drew Ferry, a Baldwin FA&R Managing Partner. By listening to the needs of their close and local artist friends regarding “production to shipping and all logistics in between,” Baldwin FA&R had a mission to make their services affordable, efficient, and diligent.
“We quickly pursued this need and built our company to accommodate clientele from all markets,” Ferry said. “This region has been growing rapidly for some time now and Philadelphia is one step away from becoming a big name in the list of major urban art market cities. Baldwin is doing their part to aid with its progression.”
Composed with care and expertise, the Baldwin FA&R team is described as “the perfect combination of speedy and meticulous” with “experience in both the residential and art worlds that have made our [the] team uniquely suited for the client…” The team is appropriately skilled to handle copious amounts of art and materials needed for transportation and installation. Lucky for InLiquid, this makes Baldwin an ideal sponsor to support collectors for the Benefit.
“Installation is a majority of our labor, and word of mouth provides much of the positive recommendations for these services,” Ferry said. “Our Fine Art Storage Facility is an additional service we offer, where we protect and store securely many private collections ranging from every-day art collectors to museum pieces.”
Ferry also explained that there are varying levels regarding art collections. Different collections or exhibits require altering levels of services –– some are more simple and straightforward, while others can be more composite. This range is also reflected depending on residential art installations and fine art services. “As Baldwin grows and the art world adapts, we offer services that change along with the regional art community,”  Ferry said.
When asked about InLiquid’s Benefit 2020, Ferry explained that he looks forward to “engaging in new, local artworks and visualizing where these artists are heading with their concepts, as well as what collectors (new and old) will be bidding on and what piques their interest. I expect an excellent turnout, as usual, and am excited to meet new artists and collectors!”
Designed to professionally work with and encourage all types of collectors, Baldwin Fine Art & Residential Services is excited to sponsor InLiquid’s Benefit 2020. Their work and dedication is a prime asset to this year’s benefit, immensely helping the InLiquid team and art collectors in the community. Thank you to Baldwin FA&R for being a talented and trustworthy source for all artists and art enthusiasts.
For more information about Baldwin Fine Art & Residential Services, please visit their website at For information about InLiquid’s upcoming Benefit 2020, please click here.
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