Your Community Art Resource

Brotherly Lens: A Portrait of Philadelphia
September 6 - October 12 at InLiquid Gallery

Part of 20/20 Photo Fest, Brotherly Lens presents a nuanced exploration of Philadelphia through the perspectives of three distinguished photographers: Eric T. Kunsman, Joseph V. Labolito, and Ron Tarver. Each artist presents a unique narrative, revealing the multifaceted essence of Philadelphia — its complexities, hidden depths, and evolving character over time.

Featured: The Basketball Game by Ron Tarver

Since 1999, InLiquid has served as a unique resource for artists and the community, both online and with live exhibitions and events throughout the city. Join us for over 40 art exhibitions a year and discover great work by new artists each time.

A Member Spotlight

Member spotlight images

Matina Marki Tillman in London’s International Original Print Exhibition

Matina Marki Tillman

Matina Marki Tillman has a recent print selected for inclusion in the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers 2023 “International Original Print Exhibition,” an open international juried competition.