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Exhibits & Events

Nancy Agati, Redline - Critical Trends, mixed media on board, 44" x 30"

Place in its diverse meanings engages a profound sense of our experience. It encompasses dynamic and visceral responses to the world and people around us. Our communities are places, our intimacies are places, our governing bodies are places, our public discussions fail if they don’t define places. And works of visual art are themselves places. The works in this exhibit are responses to place, but are also themselves locations and places.

Each work of art is a site that discloses how the world is for us in our bodies: our delights and fragility. This sense of intelligence and place is not accessible by ideas that are worldless and placeless. A shared human sense of place and emotion is deeper than an artificial intelligence of generated chains of conclusions.

As Thea Abu El-Haj states, “ur memories are also places—embodied connections to space and place.” Ying Li adds that rhythm and improvisation reveal a connection to place, through our active ongoing dialogue with how a subject sees place. Each work here provides such a dialogue.  

Artists: Thea Abu El-Haj, Nancy Agati, Tom Csaszar, Mikel Elam, Michael Kowbuz, Ying Li,Kate McCammon, Lisa Volta & Mark Willie



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Exhibition Documentation

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