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Exhibits & Events

Trio, Acrylic on canvas, Pia De Girolamo

“Radius” implies the line that defines a specific region or area – often circular in nature. For The Delaware Contemporary, it encompasses the 250 miles surrounding their Riverfront Wilmington home. This summer, they present their annual artist invitational which is entirely dedicated to showcasing artists who live and work within their radius.

Radius is a collection of seven unique and concurrent exhibitions organized by 5 teams of curators. Each exhibition delights the viewer with interesting conversations provoked through innovative juxtapositions between exhibiting artists, and between exhibition themes offering diverse applications of processes and practices. Collectively these six exhibitions define a radius around authenticity.  Authenticity in practice, in tradition, in training, in materials and in self.  They ask us to more closely examine truths, explore origins and challenge meaning.



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Exhibition Documentation

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