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Exhibits & Events

First-place prizewinner Reaction by Chelsea Witt. Photography by Mark Juliana.

Often defined as a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound, the idea of rhythm has extended across Esherick’s career, taking on multiple meanings. Rhythms, the Wharton Esherick Museum’s 30th Annual Juried Woodworking Exhibition, takes as its inspiration the expansive way that Wharton Esherick integrated the idea of rhythms into every part of his life and work. While the artists featured in this exhibition each think differently about this concept, each skillfully uses Esherick’s chosen medium of wood to invite us into the patterns shaping their own lives and thoughts. All 25 artists explore this idea materially and conceptually, offering insight into the cadence of their practice and their creative aspirations. They invite us to ponder the rhythms at play in our own lives, the patterns that shape who we are, and how effectively wood can engage this expansive idea.

Rhythms opens on June 13, 2024. The exhibition featuring the works of all 25 included artists will be hosted virtually on the Wharton Esherick Museum website. A selection of the artworks awarded First, Second, Third place, and Honorable Mention will also be on display in the Visitor Center through September 8th, which is open during the museum's tour hours. Please note, guests wishing to enter the Studio must make advance reservations for a tour.



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Exhibition Documentation

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