Art for the Cash Poor 2021

InLiquid’s signature affordable art fair returns to the American Street Corridor in Kensington. InLiquid is joining forces with NextFAB and the Clay Studio’s Clayfest for a multi-block artisan fair. The event will span the length of North American Street on the west side of the street from Crane Arts on Master(1400 Block) to NextFAB’s home on Berks Street (1800 Block). The 0.6 mile span will ensure that we can spread out accordingly to create the proper space needed in order to ensure safe social distancing. The event will be set up so as to follow all CDC Guidelines. We ask that all attendees follow the state guidelines and Mask up.
The 21st annual installment of InLiquid’s Art for the Cash Poor is a Philly-centric affordable art fair – a free and public art sale directly benefiting local artists and craftspeople. All artwork is sold for $200 or less.
The festival will debut the revitalization of North American Street and the robust arts corridor that is taking shape along the street. Local arts and community organizations will provide free programming for visitors that day including art and craft-making demonstrations, workshops, and more. Participating organizations include The Clay Studio, NextFab, Taller Puertorriqueño, Monument Lab, Mural Arts, Philadelphia Photo Arts Center, Prevention Point, Second State Press, Pink Noise Projects, Al-Aqsa, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, and others.
Popular local food and drink vendors will also offer pay-as-you-go eats along the street, such as Deli at Dweel and Es Cafe. Music will take place at the Clay Studio’s Clay Fest, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Taller Puertorriqueño’s booth, and Orchestra 2001 is participating as well.
Art for the Cash Poor is made possible thanks to generous support from PNC Arts Alive, Penn Treaty Special Services District, and Community First Fund. Additional support is provided by Green Mountain Energy, Franz Rabauer & Brian Daggett, TJ Walsh Counseling and other generous community partners.