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Exhibition Essay
March 20, 2019

Take a Deep Dive into Running Leap

About the Author
Lily Horner

See the exhibition here
Happy Spring! While it seems that winter stuck around forever, seeing the works in Running Leap reminds us of the almost-forgotten concepts of movement and warmth. The newest exhibition at the InLiquid Gallery, that runs through April 6th, features pieces by InLiquid members Spencer & Immler and Stuart Lehrman. These works capture movement and translate it into two dimensions, manufacturing the energy that is needed to put still materials in motion.
The pair (Allen) Spencer & (Deborah) Imler have worked together for over a decade, creating art that adheres to a strict pattern while conveying a sense of perpetual movement. The works in their series running bond take previously static photos and reassembles them into fast-paced images. From afar, the assemblages blur together and the fragments dance around each other, but when examined up close you see the strict divisions between each scrap of photo. running bond‘s works are organized and strict yet still display frantic action.
Stuart Lehrman‘s abstract works follow patterns as well, though definitely not as severely. His colors bleed together, overlap in a way that portrays chaos and frenzy. His interpretation of movement comes in the form of long strokes, small flicks of paint, and colors that run into and out of one another. Movement is not one motion, but the combination of multiple actions of different lengths, textures, and colors. Lehrman’s paintings must be taken in as a whole; divisions are nowhere to be seen. His pieces are dynamically one of a kind.
An object at rest stays at rest. Unless, of course, it is acted upon by an outside force. Fortunately for us, Spence & Immler and Stuart Lehrman are these outside forces that place their works in motion so that they may take a Running Leap into our world.

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