We all have that piece: it’s been around a while, and you love it; but it’s sibling pieces are long gone, and you’re a little ready to be a bit of an empty-nester. It’s a piece you’re ready to sell. A piece you’re ready to see in its own place.
Conversely, we’ve all seen that piece: a piece so perfect for you or someone you love. You look at it, and you think, “This piece is meant for Helliga.” And then you think, “Oh no, but I don’t have this much for that!”
Well this show is for that piece and this buyer. A show that’s for the holidays (i.e. people buying gifts). These pieces can be any size, any medium, any style, any theme. There is but one rule: they all must be $450 or less.
And we know: “But that goes against all the rules I’ve learned about my market and my pricing!” Yes! Exactly!!
This is the exception show. The As You Wish show: Any Piece. Any Size. Priced to Go.
We’ll be honest, this is a new thing we’re trying. We’ve done 3 Small Works Shows, and Small Works Shows are great, and maybe we’ll even get a bunch of Small Works here, too. But we’re hoping for a bright variety of pieces of all sizes and persuasions that feel bound for a new place to call home.
Submission Fee: $20 per 3 pieces of Artwork.