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Satellite Events

In Sneaky Pink Room, Emily Potts presents a bright pink room in which a child-sized figure stands in front of a chair, underneath a clock. These three objects are portrayed in a graphic-line quality, edged with bold black outlines and filled with blank white spaces, reminiscent of a two-dimensional drawing. Floating in the air around the scene are pink numbers ranging 1-9, and each object casts a pink shadow on the fuzzy pink floor and pink backdrop.

From the Artist:

“In my work, I am driven to overcome the assumption that in order to heal something has to be completely resolved within the self. Instead, I offer that healing is an undescribed area, that is unmeasurable, and it is forever evolving and never finished. I believe that healing is an ongoing process, never fully attained. This is replicated in the imperfect nature of the objects I make. These objects are often wonky and curious creating a dystopian scene for viewers. I am interested in the dystopian aspects of memory, as an uncertain skewed space for my sneaky figures to live in. I am not interested in chasing after a memory and seeking its validity or truth as a representation of what actually happened."


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