Land of Fake Believe | acrylic on canvas, 72" x 60"
"Night" Clubber Lang | acrylic on canvas, 40" x 30"
Calm Before The Storm | acrylic on canvas, 72" x 60"
Benefactors of Uncle Sam's Start Up | un-stretched canvas, wood, aluminum, found objects, 61.5" x 44" x 9"
The Intervention of the Mercurial Kanye | acrylic on canvas, 84" x 72"
The Revolving Door of Generational Racism | acrylic on canvas, 62" x 62"
Using Balls to Break the Glass Ceiling, acrylic on canvas, 24" x 18"
Why Does the White Man's Ice Always Seem Colder | acrylic on canvas, 62" x 62"
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African American Dream Catcher | basketball rim, net, fake hair, microphone, feathers, 48" x 34"
Packaging of a Race | framed photographs, fiber barrels, varied dimensions
 The 1966 Road Trip That Divided the Family | vintage luggage, wood, suspended from the wall on a cleat, varied dimensions
Part-Time Lover | vintage luggage, leather, wood and cleat, 15" x 21" x 17"
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Member Portfolio

Billy Colbert


Artist's Statement

I am on a merry-go-round that is spinning in and out of control. I am overwhelmed by a myriad of imagery that serves as the backdrop for popular culture's infomercial. As I spin, I hear sales pitches and slogans being spoken with the cadence of an auctioneer. I see things I am not supposed to see entangled with things I want to see again.

When I am off the merry-go-round, I am a composer, using my episodic memory to piece together the fragments from my journey. These fragments are the source for my creations. My creations are an isolation of popular culture's blur.


University of Delaware, Wilmington, DE
MFA, Painting

Frostburg State University, Frostburg, MD
BS, Graphic Design

Awards & Honors

Washington Wizards (Monument Sports)
Selected Artist, commission for team facility

Carroll Harris Simms National Black Art Competition, African American Museum, Dallas, TX
Best of Show & Mixed Media Purchase Prize
Juried by the late artist and MacAuthur Fellow, John T. Scott

1999 - 2000
University of Delaware, Wilmington, DE
Presidential Fellowship

Artist's Bibliography

Howard, Ashorn, "Biggs Museum Shows a Slice of African American Life," Delaware State News, February 15, 2020

Chapin, Adele, "Where to Find All Those D.C. Murals You’ve Seen On Instagram," Going Out Guide, Washington Post, September 5, 2018

Jenkins, Mark, "In the Galleries: The eternal cycles of decay and rebirth," Style Review, Washington Post, November 16, 2017

Capps, Kriston, "At the WPA NoMuNoMu Confronts The Current Sociopolitical Climate," Washington City Paper, Galleries, May 12, 2017

Capps, Kriston, "Collage Envy," Washington City Paper, Galleries, February 27, 2015

O’Sullivan, Michael, "Art Takes on a Language of its Own," Washington Post, Weekend Section, May 23, 2014

Capps, Kriston, “Personal Effects”
Washington City Paper, Arts, September 13, 2013

Jenkins, Mark, "Select: WPA Exhibition and Art Gala," Washington Post, Friday February 24, 2012

Capps, Kriston, "DC2NY: The Exhibit," Washington City Paper, Arts Desk, September 13, 2011

Smith, Brendan L., "The Public Eye," D.C. Modern Luxury, Arts and Power Issue, December 2010

Clements, Michael M., "Creative List: Artist Abound," Washington Life Magazine, November 2010

Ober, Cara, "Emerging Forces," Art News, February 2009

Koeppel, Frederic, "An Uncivil Riot Grabs the Eye," Memphis Commercial Appeal, March 9, 2007

Arcieri, Kate, "Law & Order- Luxe Litigator turned Design Diva," DC Modern Luxury, Lori Grahm Reflects... March 2007

Talasek, J.D., "Their First Taste of the Strange Fruit," Issues in Science and Technology, Spring 2007, volume XXIII, number 3, page 96

Horsley, Lance, "Paint the Town," The Downtowner, January 11, 2006 vol.7 no.22, page 14-15

Cudlin, Jeffry, "Menagerie," Washington City Paper, pg. 80 February 4-11, 2005

Bowers, Jessica, Baltimore City Paper, Exhibiting Signs Arts Section, June 23-30, 2004

Jacobson, Louis, "D.C Portfolio 2004,"Washington City Paper, July 16-23, 2004 vol. 24 no. 28 page 80

Iager, Meredith A., "FSU Fine Art Dept. and Roper Gallery Present Alumni Artist Billy Colbert," The Bottom Line Lifestyle Section, February 2004, Vol.56 No.2

Public Collections

African American Museum, Dallas, TX
Alley Museum-Bladgen Alley, NW, Washington, D.C.
D.C. Alley Museum, Washington, D.C.
Delaware State University, Dover, DE
District of Columbia Commission for the Arts and Humanities Clark Parsia, Washington, D.C.
National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
John A. Wilson Building, Washington, D.C.
Jackpot, Washington, D.C.
KSI Services, Washington, D.C.
Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, TX
Monument Sports, Washington, D.C.
Penn Social, Washington, D.C.
Philander Smith College, Little Rock, AR
St. Maryʼs College, St. Maryʼs City, MD
The John Wilson Building, Washington, D.C.
Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C. Art Bank
World Bank Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
Winston Salem State University, Winston Salem, NC
University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, MD

Selected Private Collections

Julia Ames and Jason Treat, Washington, D.C.
Kia Alford, Bowie, MD
Andrew Au, Cincinati, OH
Phillip Barlow, Washington, D.C.
Janice Blanchard, Washington, D.C.
Mitch Berk, Washington, D.C.
Bruce and Lisa Brown, Washington, D.C.
Earl Brown, Esq., Washington, D.C.
Tom Bryan, Washington, D.C.
Kendall Clark, Washington, D.C.
Kevin Cole, College Park, GA
Kate Damon, Washington, D.C.
Derek and Donna Cooper, Washington, D.C.
Patsy Cox, Los Angeles, CA
Jeff and Belana Chapp, Newark, DE
Christopher Darden, Esq., Los Angeles, CA
Aisha Davis, Miami, FL
Tom Daley, Esq.Washington, D.C.
Dr. Robert Doriot and Mary Doriot, Washington, D.C.
Dr. William Ebbs, Woodbine, MD
Christine Enemark, Bethesda, MD
Jade Floyd, Washington, D.C.
Melvin P. Foote, Washington, D.C.
Kelly Gorsuch, Washington, D.C.
Lori Grahm, Washington, D.C.
Charlie Graff, Washington, D.C.
Richard Graff, Esq., Washington, D.C.
John Gray, III, Washington, D.C.
Eric Gronning, Washington, D.C.
Michael Hines, Washington, D.C.
Lance Horsley, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Michael Joyner, Washington, D.C.
Sarah Kahn, Esq., Washington, D.C.
Cynthia Kain , Washington, D.C.
Doris Keuhn, Washington, D.C.
Fred Kendrick, Washington, D.C.
Steve and Martina Leonard, Gaitherburg, MD
George Martin, Silver Spring, MD
Tom Matzzie, Washington, D.C.
Lisa Long and Robert Mc Millen, Memphis TN
Pat Mathis, Washington, D.C.
Walter Muldrow, Washington, D.C.
Susan Najda, Washington, D.C.
Junea Padillia, Woodbridge, VA
Christina Parker, Denver, CO
Miriam Park, Detroit, MI
Heather Raquel Phillips, Philadelphia, PA
Umberto Pisoni, Washington, D.C.
Jennifer and Dominic Redd, Silver Spring, MD
Cedric Smith, Savannah, GA
Phil and Diane Spellberg, Bethesda, MD
Dafna Stienberg, Washington, D.C.
Julian Threats, Washington, D.C.
Stan Voudrie, Washington, D.C.
Mr and Mrs. Darrell Walker, Little Rock, AR
Sylvia White, Washington, D.C.
Jeffrey Wright, Brooklyn, NY
Dr. Rodney Williams, Cumberland, MD
Elif and Ebrahim Yildirim, Bad Urach, Germany
Carin Zelenco, Washington, D.C.

Professional Experience

2011 - Present
Delaware State University, Dover, DE
Assistant Professor of New Media Arts

2009 - 2018
Transformer, Washington, D.C.
Board Member

2010 - 2017
International Arts and Artist, Washington, D.C.
Board Member

2009 - 2011
Montgomery College Silver Spring/Tacoma Campus, Takoma Park, MD
Adjunct Faculty

City of Washington, D.C. Summer Youth Employment Program
Co-Lead Artist, Summer 2010

2003 - 2009
American University, Washington, D.C.
Adjunct Faculty

2008 - 2009
Luke C. Moore Academy, Washington, D.C.

2003 - 2004
Corcoran College of Art & Design, Washington, D.C.
Adjunct Faculty

2002 - 2004
Jefferson-Houston School for the Arts and Academics, Alexandria, VA
Art Focus Coordinator

2000 - 20002
Bowie State University, Bowie, MD
Assistant Professor

1998 - 1999
Lincoln University, Lincoln University, PA,
Adjunct Faculty

Lectures & Panels

Busboys & Poets, Washington, D.C.

Par Project, Cincinnati, OH

Vivid Solutions, Washington, D.C.

Duke Ellington School for the Arts, Washington, D.C.
Visiting Artist, Lecturer

Luce Center for American Art, Smithsonian Museum, Washington, D.C.

The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.
Panelist, "10 Years of Art in Washington, D.C.", hosted by The Millennium Art Salon

Vox Valise, Montserrat House, Washington, D.C.
Artist Talk with Philippa Hughes

Delaware State University, Dover, DE
Visiting Artist

University of Dayton, Dayton, OH
Visiting Artist, Lecturer

K Space Contemporary, Corpus Christi, TX
Visiting Artist, Lecturer

Harrisburg Area Community College, Harrisburg, PA
Visiting Artist

Frostburg State University, Frostburg, MD

Mount Saint Mary's College, Emmittsburg, MD
Visiting Artist


Monument Sports, Washington, D.C.

D.C. Alley Museum, Washington, D.C.

Franklin Hall, Washington, D.C.

Big Chief, Washington, D.C.

Shinola, Detroit, Washington, D.C. location

Jackpot, Washington, D.C.

Penn Social, Washington, D.C.

Department of Labor, Washington, D.C.

Millenium Art Salon, Washington, D.C.

D.C. Commission for the Arts and Humanities, Washington, D.C.

District of Columbia Housing Department, Washington, D.C.

Virginia Four Points Development, Washington, D.C.

D.C. Commission for the Arts and Humanities, Washington, D.C.

KSI Services, Washington, D.C.

Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C.

Selected Exhibitions


Biggs Museum of American Art, Dover, DE

Par Projects, Cincinnati, Ohio

Busboys & Poets, Washington, D.C.
Virtual Pandemic film screening

Vivid Gallery, Washington, D.C.

Hyphen, Washington, D.C.

Delaware State University, Dover, DE

The Box, Washington, D.C.

Morton Fine Art, Washington, D.C.

Montserrat House, Washington, D.C.

Honfleur Gallery, Washington, D.C.

Longview Gallery, Washington, D.C.

Delaware State University, Dover, DE

K Space Contemporary, Corpus Christie, TX

Mason Murer Fine Art, Atlanta, Georgia

Red Door Gallery, Richmond, Virginia

Space B Gallery, New York, NY

Harrisburg Area Community College, Harrisburg, PA

Mason-Murer Fine Art, Atlanta, GA

Pyramid-Atlantic, Silver Spring, MD

Vegetate, Washington, D.C.

Delaware Center for Contemporary Arts, Wilmington, DE

Cubicle 10, Baltimore, MD

Frostburg State University, Frostburg, MD

The African American Museum, Dallas, TX

Mount Saint Maryʼs College, Emmittsburg, MD

Penn Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA

Touchstone Gallery, Washington, D.C.

University of Delaware, MFA Thesis, Newark, DE


Group Text, Napoleon, Philadelphia, PA

Indelible, Gallery O-on H Street. Washington, D.C.

Hyphenated, Salisbury University Gallery/Downtown Salisbury, MD

Futures For The Rest of Us, Futures Visions - a multimedia exhibition of futurism by contemporary artists, Los Angeles, CA
Curator: Celia Peters FRIEZ ART FAIR

Futures For The Rest of Us, Futures Visions - a multimedia exhibition of futurism by contemporary artists, Columbus, OH
Curator: Celia Peters

Now More Than Ever, Washington Project for the Arts, Washington, D.C.
Curator: Joesph Orzal

Spiral Recoil, Delaware Contemporary, Wilmington, DE
Curator: Kayliegh Bryant

Ceci nest pas une T.V., George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

SELECT 2015: Washington Project for the Arts Auction, Artisphere, Arlington, VA

Mood Board, Furthermore, Washington, D.C.
Curator: James Huckenpahler

Arts and Letters - Athenaeum, Alexandria, VA
Curator: Twig Murray

Transformer Auction, Washington, D.C.

In Unison - A Collection of 20 Washington Artists, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Traveling exhibition

CTRL+P, Arlington Arts Center, Arlington, VA
Curators: Kristina Billonic and Julie Chae

Symphonic Stylings, Cincinnati Orchestra and Par Projects, Cincinnati, OH

SELECT, Washington Project for the Arts, Washington, D.C.

In Unison - A Collection of 20 Washington Artists, Wilmer Jennings Gallery at Kenkeleba, New York, NY
Traveling exhibition

In Unison - A Collection of 20 Washington Artists, River District Arts, Sperryville, VA
Traveling exhibition

In Unison - A Collection of 20 Washington Artists, Capitol One Bank Global Headquarters, McLean, VA
Traveling exhibition

DC2NY, Dorian Gray Gallery, New York, NY

Ten Years After 911, Edison Place Gallery, Washington, D.C.

Kinetics, Par Projects Art Gallery, Cincinnati, OH

20 X 20, Washington, D.C.
Curator: Sondra Arkin

University of Dayton, Rike Center Art Gallery, Dayton, Ohio
North of U Street- Billy Colbert and Michael Platt

Reasons to Riot, Memphis College of Art + Design, Memphis, TN

Jolly Cowboy, District of Columbia Arts Center, Washington, D.C.

Concrete Domain, Bronx River Arts Center, Bronx, New York, NY

Residue from the Bling-Bling Circus Cubicle Ten, Washington, D.C.

DC Studio - American University Faculty Show, Katzen Arts Center, American University, Washington, D.C.

Without Formula, Cubicle Ten, Washington, D.C.

Take Me to the River, Pretoria Art Museum, Pretoria, South Africa

The Emerging Eye, Quinland Visual Arts Center, Gainesville, GA

Pyramid-Atlantic, Silver Spring, Maryland Collectorʼs Auction, MD

Fusebox, Transformer Auction, Washington, D.C.

The Arts Club of Washington, Washington, D.C.

The Southern Graphics Council Presents Studio Space DC, Studio Space DC, Washington, D.C.

National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC New Acquisitions
from Washington, D.C. Artist

DC Print Portfolio, David Adamson Gallery, Washington, D.C.

Museum Of Contemporary Art, Washington, D.C.

Member Show: MOCA Darlings

Transformer Alumni Show, Transformer Gallery, Washington, D.C.

Transformer Gallery, Washington, D.C.

Thelma Harris Gallery, Oakland, CA

Washington, D.C. Convention Center, Washington, D.C.

DCCAH Art Applicant Exhibition, Museum Of Contemporary Art, Washington, D.C.

300 Years of African American Art, African American Museum, Dallas, TX

Invitational Alumni Print Exhibition, University of Delaware, Newark, DE

Gallery 505, Washington, D.C.

Rock Creek Galley, Washington, D.C.

Touchstone Gallery, Washington, D.C.


Cedric Smith, You’re Welcome,
Montserrat House Gallery, Washington, D.C.

Bradley Chriss, Parade, Montserrat House Gallery, Washington, D.C.

Tyrique Tucker, Mega Waves, Cre8 Space/LeMont Bishop Gallery, Washington, D.C.

Bauble, Wool Exploratorium, The Lacey, Washington, D.C.

Ellington Robinson, InterVisions, District of Columbia Arts Center, Washington, D.C.

Residue from the Bling Bling Circus, Washington, D.C.