"Repetitive Behavior 1: Bitten/Bandaged" 2018, pencil and acrylic paint on paper, 8" x 10"
"Deception" 2013, oil on canvas board, 16" x 20"
"Grief" 2022, acrylics on canvas board with found objects and spray paint, 16" x 20"
"Estranged" 2023, pencil and pastel, 15" x 20"
"Repetitive Behavior 4: Triggered/Torn" 2018, pencil and oil pastels on paper, 8" x 10"
"Enchantment" 2013, oil paint on canvas board with book pages, 16" x 20"
"Excision" 2021, pen and watercolor, 8" x 10"
"Repetitive Behavior 5: Pent Up/Pouring Out" 2018, pencil and watercolor on paper, 8" x 10"
"Addiction" 2013, oil on canvas board with found objects, 16" x 20"
"Neglect" 2013, oil and acrylic on canvas board with found objects, 16" x 20"
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"Paws Up" 2022, acrylic on paper, 7.5" x 8"
"Olive" 2021, acrylic on canvas, 11" x 14"
"Geneva" 2012, oil on canvas, 16" x 20"
"Portrait of Robert Shair White" 2023, acrylic and photo collage on canvas, 20" x 30"
"Philadelphia, PA (Mt. Airy)" 2023, watercolor on paper, 8" x 10"
"Philadelphia, PA (Mt. Airy)" 2021, watercolor on paper, 8" x 10"
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"Blue Hair" 2016, chalk pastels on paper, 14" x 17"
"The Things John Berger Can't See" 2018, charcoal on paper, 14" x 17"
"Girl on a Bridge" 2007, oil on canvas, 24" x 30"
"Depression" 1999, chalk pastel on paper, 6.5" x 10"
"Waiting for the World to be Made" 1996 and updated in 2020, pastels, 9" x 12"
"Tori" 1997, chalk pastel on paper, 9" x 12"
"Balbec Nocturne" 2015, oil on canvas, 20" x 24"
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Member Portfolio

Sondra Rosenberg

Philadelphia, PA


Artist Biography

Sondra Rosenberg, ATR-BC, is an artist and art therapist based in the Mt. Airy neighborhood of Philadelphia. Working in a range of media and subject matter, she creates art for both personal expression, private commissions, and in support of organizations that promote community development, animal rights, and the prevention of gun violence. Her art practice has been informed by her work as a registered, board-certified art therapist. She served as the Creative Arts Therapies Supervisor at the Renfrew Center, the nation's first residential eating disorder treatment facility through 2023. Sondra has presented widely on the use of art therapy in the treatment of eating disorders, self-injury, and trauma and contributed articles to several publications in the field. She curated a traveling exhibit of patient artwork called "The Art of Recovery," which has been featured in dozens of venues, including universities, art galleries, and community centers. She leads workshops on creative self-care for medical students, spiritual seekers, and people in recovery from eating disorders.


The Art of Recovery, created, edited and wrote an introduction for a book containing art from the collection along with statements from each artist, published by the Renfrew Center Foundation.

Art Therapy and Bingeing, in Eating Disorder HOPE, 2015

Video review, Louise Bourgeois: The Spider, the Mistress and the Tangerine, in The American Journal of Art Therapy, volume 27, number 4, 2010

Video review: Bodyspeaks, in The American Journal of Art Therapy, volume 25, number 1, 2008

Birthing the Monster, The transformation of a demonic self through voice dialogue and art therapy, in The Voice Dialogue Newsletter, #2, pg. 13 – 18, 2007

Using the Creative Arts Therapies to Boost Your Recovery, Renfrew Connections, with Susan Kleinman, Fall 2006

Lectures and Talks

Ongoing exhibits and presentations featuring works from The Art of Recovery” collection. Annual exhibits at The Renfrew Center Conference between 2006 and 2019. Previously exhibited at The Ripa Center, The New Leaf Club, University of the Sciences, Jewish Community Center, Wayne Art Center, Jefferson Medical College, Friends Central School, Moore College of Art, Drexel University and more.

The Benefits of art therapy, creativity and self-expression, Instagram Live for The Renfrew Center, July 20th, 2020

Culture Jamming: Creative Resistance to Toxic Culture in Eating Disorder Recovery presented at The Renfrew Center Conference and at The Renfrew Center of Philadelphia in conjunction with iaedp Foundation, Philadelphia, PA, April 13th, 2018 and November 11th, 2018

Inner Demonology: Engaging with Imagery from Eating Disorder Symptomatology and Post-Traumatic Stress”, presented at The Renfrew Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 13th, 2015, at the 2017 MACHA Conference in Pittsburgh, PA and at Widener University’s annual conference on child sexual abuse treatment, June 18th, 2015

Eating Disorders through the Lens of Art Therapy, presented for the Society of Clinical Psychologists, February 28th, 2015

Understanding Trauma through the Lens of Art Therapy, presented at Cedar Crest College for their annual Art Therapy Open House, at Arcadia University on November 14th, 2012 and as a webinar presented through the Renfrew Center, October 9th, 2013

Panelist in round-table discussion in conjunction with “In My Body” exhibit at Wexler Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, December 12th, 2010

Self-Transformation through Art, Movement and Psychodrama in a Residential Milieu, co-presented with Lisa Levinson and Sarah Gibbs at the Renfrew Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 14th, 2010

The Art of Treatment, presented at a conference entitled Food, Body Image and Eating Disorders in the Jewish Community, Germantown Jewish Centre, Philadelphia, PA, April 9th, 2010 and Bethesda, MD, May 5th, 2010

Dying to be Thin: A Training the Trainers Workshop, co-presented with Wendy Kramer and Kelly Pedrotti, The J.C.C. Klein Branch in Philadelphia, PA, June 12th, 2008

Art Therapy and Eating Disorders, presented at the Delaware Valley Art Therapy Association, January 26th, 2008 and at New York University in 2007

Professional Memberships

2004 – Present
American Art Therapy Association



New York University, New York , NY
MA Art Therapy

Oberlin College Oberlin, OH
BA Visual Art    

Exhibitions and Publications

Animals, Light Space & Time Online Juried Exhibit
Includes my painting The Dancer, 2023

Mood. Animals with Attitude, Wild Heart Gallery Online Juried Exhibit
Includes my paintings “Greta’s Dream” (received honorable mention award) and “Paws Up”, 2023

7th Annual Colors Exhibition, Fusion Art, online juried exhibit,
Includes my painting “Grief”, 2023

Not Your Mother’s Breast Milk, online journal, featured 6 drawings entitled “Repetitive Behavior” for their mental health awareness issue, 2019

Featured Member at The American Art Therapy Association, includes my drawing “Repetitive Behavior IV: Triggered/Torn”, 2019

Anastamos, online literary magazine, featured 3 drawings from Repetitive Behavior series in Dis/Order issue, 2018

Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, my painting Emotional Manipulation  III: Enchantment appeared on the cover, 2014

Cedar Crest College, Allentown, PA, solo show entitled “Emotional Manipulation” in conjunction with their Art Therapy Open House, 2013

Group Shows

New Now VII, InLiquid Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

InLiquid Toasts 25, Off the Wall Gallery at Dirty Franks, Philadelphia, PA

Feeling Blue, Abington Art Center, Abington PA
Juried Exhibition featuring my drawing, The Things John Berger Can't See

Spring Exhibition, reCreated =Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Juried Exhibition featuring my paintings, Grief and Neglect

Philadelphia Black History: The People's Stories, City of Philadelphia Office of Arts, Culture, and the Creative Economy, Philadelphia, PA 
Juried Exhibition featuring my painting, Portrait of Robert Shair White

2006 - 2007
Members Show
, Main Line Art Center, Bryn Mawr, PA

2003 and 2005
New York University Art Therapy Show, Barney Building, New York, NY

Group Show, Albert and Piccolo, Brooklyn, NY

2003An Artist’s Life, Broome Street Gallery, New York, NY

Commissions and Collections

In Defense of Animals
, commissioned portrait of animal sanctuary for a fundraiser auction, California
Souls Shot Portrait Project
, commissioned portrait of a victim of gun violence for traveling exhibit, Philadelphia, PA

2020 – Present
Re/Max Realtors
, commissioned house portraits as closing gifts for clients, Philadelphia, PA
Private House Portrait Commissions in Philadelphia, PA and beyond

2021 - Present
Private Pet Portrait Commissions in Philadelphia, PA and beyond

Private Individual and Family Portraits in Philadelphia, PA and beyond

Friends’ Central School, Wynnewood, PA
Permanent Collection

Professional Experience

2005 – 2023
Creative Arts Therapies Supervisor, The Renfrew Center, Philadelphia, PA  
• Develops, coordinates, and implements art therapy programming at residential and non-residential centers for eating disorder treatment
• Runs general and specialized art therapy groups and individual sessions for patients
• Facilitates group supervision for creative arts therapists
• Organized and installed a permanent exhibit of patient artwork in residence building that has traveled to many venues

2016 - Present
Healing Arts Workshop Facilitator
, Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
• Offers monthly creative self-care workshops to medical students that focus on promoting stress management and burnout prevention
• Collaboration with music and dance/movement therapists to provide interdisciplinary programming

2012 - 2017
Co-Founder PinkHouseStudios, Philadelphia, PA
• Developed and led intensive art-based workshops designed to give participants an experience of deep self- reflection while learning about a new approach to making    art
• Workshops included Creative Approaches to Anxiety, Body Positive Figure
• Drawing, Harry Potter and the Art of Empowerment, Alter Egos, Altered Books and Elements of Wholeness
