Diane Goodman (b. 1971, London) is an acrylic painter and collage artist based in Philadelphia.
As a self-taught graphic designer, Diane learned to contain her maximalist tendencies. As a self-taught painter, she has embraced them, filling her canvasses with little space to breath.
Diane spent her early years in Los Angeles, where her visual world was a mix of wild parrots, painfully blue skies, oversized tropical foliage, skateboards, miles of cement, hours of cartoons, and her family’s synagogue directly across the street from a drive-in movie theater. This was a land of the sacred and profane, a century and thousands of miles away from the shtetl.
Diane focuses on exploring the physical and liminal distance from the shtetl, using a personal symbology to create her pictorial narratives. She interprets Jewish folklore, superstition, and magic with a technicolor palette of the late 20th century.
Goodman works with acrylic and found historic images on wood and canvas. She has a background in both digital imagery and fabric sculpture, each coming out of an intuitive drawing practice. Her approach includes intensive pictorial research and an interest in icons, signs, and symbols.
Goodman-Daniel has recently settled in Philadelphia after decades as a domestic nomad, growing up in California and making her home in London, Los Angeles, the Bay Area, Santa Cruz, Westport, Vancouver, NYC, Washington DC, Ithaca, New Orleans and Baltimore. She has worked in big tech and academic research as well as developing projects in ceramics, color copy collage, photography and creating a line of hyper expressive neo-folk dolls.Her on-going focus on drawing and symbolic imagery follows through to her current work.
Vancouver Film School, New Media Certificate
UC Santa Cruz
Otis Parsons Ceramic Summer Program
Received $500 grant to create safe sex graphic design for the Santa Cruz AIDS Project
Photo of doll used as front cover book arts project about mental health
2001 - 2005
Partnering with the Tompkins County Regional Art Council, created and led 3-evening art marketing workshops
1997 - 2001
Web designer, New York, NY
Berkeley Richmond JCC K - 6 art teacher
Alternatives Federal Credit Union
New Now VI, InLiquid Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Old City Jewish Art Center, Philadelphia, PA
Avenues Cafe, Philadelphia, PA