Scientists tell us that our bodies receive some 400 billion bits of information per second. All, but roughly 2,000, are filtered out. What reality exists in the missing 399,999,998,000 bits? I have always tried to peek behind the curtain, sensing there was much, much more to what was being presented on the surface. Through the magical mediums of photography and cinematography, I have the power to stop and study the fourth dimension, seeking the “unnoticed.” My artistic interpretations are part of my search for lost awareness. My artistic interpretations help unlock doors of perception.
High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography is the digital equivalent to what Ansel Adams formulated with film: shooting according to a zone system, special film development, and dodging and burning like crazy in the darkroom. The expanded range the HDR process affords helps us perceive what was originally seen with the human eye and maybe more, as did Adams’ photographic techniques.
Long before Photoshop, I worked exclusively altering Polaroid film materials, creating Time Zero film manipulations, Image Transfers, and Emulsion Transfers. These materials are no longer manufactured, making HDR my current passion.
Artist Biography
Mark Thellmann’s specialty is alternative photographic processes with Polaroid film materials (see Archived Work), in-camera special effects, video art, and computer image enhancement.
Internationally recognized, this award winning photo-artist is featured in the Polaroid Museum Collection based in Paris, Tokyo and London, and on note cards and posters throughout Europe, Canada and the United States.
Recent publications featuring Mark Thellmann: Philadelphia Inquirer, New Jersey Outdoors, and Graphic Network Magazine. Mark also writes a “Photo Tips” column for ACF News and has produced a DVD entitled “Alternative Photographic Processes with Polaroid Films,” which demonstrates his techniques.
A second DVD entitled, “Take Perfect Photos of Your Art and Craftwork,” discusses and demonstrates the necessary camera equipment, lighting, film exposure and methods of photographing paintings, sculpture, woodworking projects, fabric art and jewelry.
The DVDs are available from Show & Tell Communications (856-488-9093) for $29.95 each plus $4 postage and handling. NJ residents, add 7% sales tax. Personal checks and PayPal accepted. Mark’s more traditional photography can be found on the website.