"Miasma", 2021
"Miasmia" (thumbnail), 2021
"Mimetico", 2021, generative video for MAX Jitter in Eporner API, internet pornography, analog monitor, 16” x 17.5” x 21.5"
"Come Telos", 2021, quadraphonic installation/performance for modular synthesizer and MAX MSP in Eporner API, bird calls, internet pornography, duration infinite
"wXYz", 2021, Telo Mimetico fabric, 16" x 16" x 16"
"Nails on a Bell", 2023, Generative Sound on Magnetic Tape, Singing Bells, Nails on a Chalkboard, Nagra III, Animal Tallow Size Variable
"Mithridate (Infinite Recipes for a Better Life)" , 2023, Video using OpenAI API 16” x 17.5” x 21.5”
"Opposition Surge (Ways to See the Gassendi Crater)" , 2023,  Porcelain, Burnished Graphite, Singularity Black Velvet, Resin, Chroma Key Latex Paint, Animated Gif 21.5" x 19" x 5"
"please, please, please" 2019, Neon, Flasher, 17.5” x 7”
"A Swallowing ",2019,  Nepenthes alata Scion and Ficus elastica Rootstock, Non-Viable, 13” x 11”
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"Liquefaction of the Sky II (12/20)", photogravure, metada, approx. 5" x 7"
"Break an Egg for Yolk II (15/20)", photogravure, metadata, approx. 5" x 7"
"Spoons our Eyes, perhaps (18/20)", photogravure, metadata, approx. 5" x 7"
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"Another Cup of Philadelphia Water", 2022, glass, plastic wrap, water, approx. 6" x 6" x 7"
"1 Cup of Philadelphia Water", 2022, glass, plastic wrap, water, approx. 6" x 7" x 6"
"Capped, Dug", 2022, casein, burnished graphite, 40" x 28"
"Carved Over", 2022, casein, burnished graphite, 40" x 28"
"Sieged", 2022, casein, burnished graphite, 40" x 28"
"Aged Out", 2022, casein, burnished graphite, 40" x 28"
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Member Portfolio

Nick Mittelstead


Artist's Statement

Nothing lasts forever, but maybe the impermanence of all things is unfairly colored by our mortality: we live and then we die, existing and suddenly not. Maybe rather than emerging into being and disappearing from history, all things fade in and out of view, oscillating between being and not. My work seeks to express this oscillation by reinvigorating historical practices, objects, and stories using new media and a material-based approach.
Every project revolves around a metaphorically relevant material. I draw archeological objects using excavated matter as medium, I reproduce found photographs using the technology of their time, and I record found sounds on magnetic tape and other obsolete platforms. By maintaining a materialistic fidelity to anachronistic source material, I gently swing the past towards the present. The addition of new media, on the other hand, situates the past in the present. My archeological drawings mimic comic book compositions, my photogravures are digitally manipulated before printing, and my recorded sounds are generatively altered by computer programs. This mingling of contemporary technology and historical material and practices situates the old within the new and results in work that appears to emerge from the past, live in the present, and teeters on the precipice of swinging back into obscurity. This practice aspires to optimistically reimagine our ideas about our own permeance.

Artist's Biography

Nick Mittelstead is an artist based in Philadelphia. He received an MFA in Studio Art and an MA in History and Theory of Contemporary Art from The San Francisco Art Institute and a BS in Studio Art from Skidmore College. He has exhibited work in the US and internationally.


San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
MA, History and Theory of Contemporary Art, Honors
San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
MFA, Studio Art
Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY
BS, Studio Art, Cum Laude

Awards & Honors

San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
Distinction in Scholarship, Master of Arts Thesis Award
San Francisco, CA
Edwin Anthony & Adalaine Boudreaux Cadogan Scholar
Pyramid Atlantic Art Center, Hyattsville, MD
Keyholder Residency
Mudhouse Residency, Agio Ionnis, Crete
Resident Artist

Professional Experience

The Mudhouse Residency, Agios Ioannis, Crete
Instructor, Summer

Selected Exhibitions


Elements, Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition, Brooklyn, NY
Emerging Artists 2022, Dodomu Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
SPRING/BREAK Art Fair, New York, NY
Mudhouse Closing Exhibition, Crete, Greece
Black & White, Fusion Art, online exhibition
Printin', St. Louis Artists' Guild, St. Louis, MO
Objects, CICA Museum, South Korea
Clay & Wood, West Hartford Art League, West Hartford, CT
Best in Show
SFAI MFA Exhibition, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
SFAI MFA Exhibition, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
The Murphy Cadogan Award Show, SOMArts, San Francisco, CA
Lightly Heavy, Diego Rivera Gallery, San Francisco, CA
On Blue, Swell Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Assembling/Deassembling, Diego Rivera Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Relief Efforts, Shoestring Press, New York, NY
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